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Javascript SDK

Our Javascript SDK is a wrapper around our Rest API. You can use it to integrate the workflows you build into your NodeJS codebase.

Setup the SDK

You can install the sdk using npm

npm i @pufflig/ps-sdk

or yarn

yarn add @pufflig/ps-sdk


You can quickly start making requests with the following code snippet:

import { runInstruction } from "@pufflig/ps-sdk";

const { datapoint } = await runInstruction({
  modelId: "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct",
  prompt: "what is the fastest car?",
  parameters: {
    temperature: 0,

console.log(datapoint.modelOutput); // As of 2021, the fastest car in the world is the Bugatti Chiron Super Sport 300+, with a top speed of 304 mph.

Your API key is located in Prompt Studio, specifically under the "API" tab in the tool editor. Note that each workspace within Prompt Studio has a distinct key.


Datapoints track completions you or your users created, these datapoints can later be used to finetune LLMs to better serve your problem.

Available Models

  • gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct
  • gpt-4-1106-preview
  • meta-llama/llama-2-13b-chat
  • anthropic/claude-2

Each model accepts different parameters.

API Reference


Generate a completion given a prompt. If the prompt is larger than the context length permitted by the LLM the start and end of the prompt are preserved while the center is summarized.


nametypedata typedescription
apiKeyrequiredstringYour Prompt Studio api key
modelIdrequiredstringThe model to call
promptrequiredstringThe prompt to provide to the language model
parametersoptionalRecord<string, string>The parameters to provide to the language model
optionsoptionalOptionsRequest options


namedata type
datapointDatapoint / undefined


Run a deployed workflow on Prompt Studio.


nametypedata typedescription
apiKeyrequiredstringYour Prompt Studio api key
deploymentIdrequiredstringYour Prompt Studio api key
inputrequiredRecord<string, any>Input to a workflow
optionsoptionalOptionsRequest options


namedata type
datapointDatapoint / undefined


nametypedata typedescription
modelOutputoptionalstringOutput of the language model
modelInputoptionalstringInput to the language model
workflowInputoptionalRecord<string, any>Input to a workflow
workflowOutputoptionalRecord<string, any>Output of a workflow
modelIdoptionalstringId of the model used


nametypedata typedescription
cacheoptionalbooleanReturn cached value if true, note some parameters like temperature will invalidate cache
storeoptionalbooleanIf true, store the completion in Prompt Studio for later use, e.g. for fine-tuning